29, 30th July 2019 Surabaya, Indonesia
Peri-operative Paediatric Life Support and Training for Trainers is a join program of ASPA and ISPACC – Departement of Anesthesiology and Reanimation RS Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia, to train all Indonesian Pediatric Anesthesiologist about Peri-operative Paediatric Life Support and train part of participants became a trainers. We had a total of 10 facilitators with 6 interactive case discussions and 4 skill stations per session. A briefing session was held for all facilitators a day prior to the workshop to ensure everyone is familiar with the materials that were given.
The ASPA faculty included Prof. Agnes NG Suah Bwee (Singapore), Prof. Lucy Chan (Singapore), Dr. Illuminada Camagay (Philippines), Dr. Usha Nair (Malaysia), Dr. Thavam Sandrasegaram (Malaysia), Dr. Mayuko Wakimoto (Japan), Dr. Elizeus Hanindito, dr., SpAn., KIC., KAP (Indonesia), Dr. Arie Utariani, dr., SpAn., KAP (Indonesia), Ira Pitaloka, dr., SpAn., KIC., KAP (Indonesia), and Dr. Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan, dr., SpAn., KAP (Indonesia). The attendants, 21 in number, were mostly pediatric anesthesiologists.
The PPLS programme on June 29th 2019 was an intensive one-day programme. Short lectures included the following topics: Common Causes of Peri-operative Cardiac Arrests, Recognition of Critically Ill Child, Updates on Paediatric Resuscitation, Effective Teamwork during Crisis, and Recognition and Management of Arrhythmias. These talks were interspersed between small group interactive case discussions. The cases discussed included the following: Recognition of the Airway at Risk, Blood Loss during Major Surgery, Desaturation in Recovery Room, Tight Bag, Unexpected Cardiac Arrest in Infant After a Caudal, and Sudden Fall in EtCO2 in Infant During Surgery. Post lunch, the participants rotated through four skill stations which included: Recognition Management of Arrhythmias, Effective CPR Skills & Teamwork, IV Access Station, and Teamwork in Crises (Video Review). All participants were very enthusiastic and actively contributed in the group discussion and skill stations, also were generally happy, and thanked to the faculty.
The Training of Trainers programme was a half-day programme conducted on June 30th 2019 with 7 participants (all had participated the previous day) and 2 faculty (Prof. Agnes NG Suah Bwee and Dr. Illuminada Camagay). A review of the prior PPLS workshop in terms of the objectives, format, quality and consistency of sessions was open for discussion and improvement. Prof. Agnes delivered a brief overview on how to teach small groups, divided in to three different cases, and each group had a practice run of case-based discussions followed by comments and feedback.
Overall, the workshop was a success. We would like to thank the ASPA faculty and for all contributed to the success of the workshop. We hope to be able to host this workshop on a regular basis in the near future.
Briefing Session
Case Discussion
Skill Stations
Breaking Bad News
Training for Trainers
Photo Session
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