


1. This Society shall be known as the “Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists”, hereinafter referred to as the “Society”.


2. Its place of business shall be at “Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Kandang Kerbau Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 100 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 229899” or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Committee and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The Society shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.


3. Its objects are:

a) To establish a forum for exchange and interchange of views and for enhancing fellowship fellowship amongst its members.

b) To assist in the establishment of the Paediatric Anaesthesiology in Asia.

c) To promote research and training in Paediatric Anaesthesia.

d) To improve Paediatric Anaesthesia services in Asian countries.

e) To carry out all such activities as would contribute to the promotion of Paediatric Anaesthesiology.


4. Membership consists of three categories:

a) Ordinary members:

Ordinary members of the Society shall be individual anaesthesiologists who are practising paediatric anaesthesia in Asia

b) Associate Members:

Associate members of the Society shall be individual anaesthesiologists practising paediatric anaesthesia in countries not included in Asia, or be from related paediatric disciplines such as paediatric surgery, radiology, pathology, oncology and neonatology.

Their privileges and dues shall be the same as those of ordinary members, but they shall not be eligible to vote or be elected for office

c) Honorary Membership:

Unanimous vote of the Executive Board and the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting members of the General Assembly may confer the Honorary Membership upon an individual for eminence and outstanding services to paediatric anaesthesiology. Honorary members will not be eligible to vote nor be subject to dues.


5.1. A candidate wishing to join the Society as Ordinary or Associate membership must complete the application form and send it to the Honorary Secretary together with the curriculum vitae and bibliography.

5.2. The Executive Committee will consider the application for membership. The candidates thus selected will be approved by the General Assembly.

5.3. A copy of the Constitution shall be furnished to every approved member upon payment of the membership fee.

5.4. Termination of membership:

a) Any member who desires to terminate his or her membership may do so by delivering a letter of resignation to the Hon Secretary. The membership fees previously paid will not be refundable in this situation.

b) The Society may terminate the membership for any infraction of rules and/or regulations as determined by the Executive Board and confirmed later by the General Assembly.

c) The membership will be for the life of the member, until otherwise terminated.


6.1. The membership fees may be changed from time to time as determined by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly.

6.2. The membership will be for life of the member.

6.3. Any additional fund required for special purposes may only be raised from members with the consent of the general meeting of the members.


7.1.1. The General Assembly and Executive Board will be responsible executive authorities for the administration of the society.

7.1.2. The General Assembly will consists of ordinary members.

7.2.1. The General Assembly will meet at the time of the Scientific Congress.

The Assembly may also be contacted and its views obtained by a circular letter in the interim period.

7.2.2. A Scientific Congress will be held every two years.

7.2.3. The Executive Board will receive proposals for holding Scientific Congresses. A member country that wishes to host a scientific congress should indicate his willingness to do so in writing 2 years before the proposed Scientific Congress. The Executive Board, after having taken a decision, will recommend to the Council the venue and time of the Scientific Congress (es).

7.3. At other times, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the President on the request in writing of not less than 25% of the total voting membership or 30 voting members, whichever is the lesser, and may be called at anytime by order of the Committee. The notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary setting forth the business that is to be transacted. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within two months from receiving this request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting.

7.4. If the Committee does not within two months after the date of the receipt of the written request proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, the members who requested for the Extraordinary General Meeting shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting by giving ten days’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted and simultaneously posting the agenda on the Society’s notice board.

7.5. At least two week’s notice shall be given of a General Meeting. Notice of meeting stating the date, time and place of meeting shall be sent by the Secretary to all voting members. The particulars of the agenda shall be posted on the Society’s notice board four days in advance of the meeting.

7.6. Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution, voting by proxy is allowed at all General Meetings.

7.7. The powers of the General Assembly will be:

a) To receive, discuss and ratify the minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Board Meetings reported by the Honorary Secretary.

b) To approve the audited statement of accounts.

c) To elect the office bearers.

d) To determine the venue of the next Congress that has been recommended by the Executive Board.

e) To approve the budget.

f) To approve applications for membership.

g) To consider other matters duly brought up.

7.8. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so provided he gives notice to the Secretary one week before the meeting is due to be held.

7.9. At least 25% of the total voting membership or 30 voting members, whichever is the lesser, present at a General Meeting shall form a quorum. Proxies shall not be constituted as part of the quorum.

7.10. In the event of there being no quorum at the commencement of a General Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum.


8.1. The administration of the Society shall be entrusted to an Executive Committee.

The Executive Board will consists of 13 members; a President, the President Elect, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer and nine other members who have been properly elected.

8.2. The Executive Committee shall be elected from nominations made by the General Assembly. Election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members.

8.3. Election will be either by show of hands or, subject to the agreement of the majority of the voting members present, by a secret ballot. In the event of a tie, a re-vote shall be taken and if it stills results in a tie, a lot shall be drawn to determine who shall be the successful candidate unless the contesting candidate(s) withdrew in favour of one of themselves.

8.4. The Executive Board will meet periodically to transact its business. The Hon Secretary will summon the meeting and an agenda sent eight weeks before the meeting. The immediate Past President may be invited to the Executive Board Meetings from time to time as determined by the Executive Board. A quorum of 2/3 of the members of the Executive Board is required for a meeting.

Any member unable to attend must convey his views on the agenda to the meeting.

8.5. Functions of the Executive Board:

a) To adopt the common seal of the Society.

b) To make and change regulations, consistent with the constitution, for the management of the Society’s business and affairs.

c) To prescribe the duties of all officers and employees of the Society.

d) To pay for any property purchased by and on behalf of the Society.

e) To designate the time and place of the meetings of the Society or to authorise the President to do so..

f) To appoint committees of any subject and to define the powers and duties of such committees.

g) To select and designate a bank as official bankers of the Society and to prescribe and order the manner in which the deposits may be made and/or withdrawn.

g) To select and designate a bank as official bankers of the Society and to prescribe and order the manner in which the deposits may be made and/or withdrawn.

i) To determine the percentage of profits from scientific congresses in order to defray the expenses of the secretariat.

8.6. The Committee has power to authorise the expenditure of a sum not exceeding S$2,000.00 per month from the Society’s funds for the Society’s purposes.



The President will approve the agenda made by the Honorary Secretary and will preside over all meetings of General Assembly, Executive Board etc. He will perform the duties as desired by the Executive Board. He will appoint committees on the recommendation of the Executive Board. The General Assembly will elect him after proper nomination by the Executive Board, provided that he has indicated in writing his willingness to run for the office. He shall serve for a term of two years following two years as President Elect. He is not eligible for re-election as a President.


The President Elect will perform all the duties of the President in case of absence or inability of the President. The General Assembly will elect him after proper nomination by the Executive Board, provided that he has signified in writing his willingness to run for office. He need not be a previous member of the Executive Board. The President Elect shall serve for a two year term following which he shall automatically become President.


The Honorary Secretary will summon and be present at the meetings of General Assembly, Executive Board and others. He will keep the record of proceedings of these meetings. The General Assembly will elect him after proper nomination by the Executive Board, provided that proposed nominee has signed in writing his willingness to run for office. He will serve for a term of two years and will be eligible for re-election for one more term. He need not be a previous member of the Executive Board. He will receive application forms for new memberships and present them to the Executive Board. He will countersign all certificates issued and make proper entries in the book of the Society.


He will keep a full set of books of accounts, all receipts and disbursements of every name and nature, the amount of cash in hand and other information when required by the Executive Board.

He is authorised to expend up to S$1,000 per month for petty expenses of the society and will not keep more than S$1,000 in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Committee.

9.4.2. Cheques etc for withdrawal from the bank will be signed by the Treasurer and either the President or the Secretary.


Any person whom the Executive Board may direct in case of his absence or inability to act may perform his duties.

The Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer may recruit an assistant as and when necessary.

9.6. Ordinary Committee Members shall assist in the general administration of the Society and perform duties assigned by the Committee from time to time.


Nine members other than the President, President Elect, and Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer shall be elected as Board Members by the General Assembly after proper nomination by the Executive Board, provided that the proposed nominee has signed in writing his willingness to run for office. The Board Members will form the Executive Board. No more than one member will be elected for Board Member from any one country. They will serve for a term of four years. They will be eligible for re-election for one more consecutive term.


10.1. Two voting members, not being members of the Committee, shall be elected as Honorary Auditors at each alternate General Meeting and will hold office for a term of two years only and shall not be re-elected for a consecutive term.

10.2. They:

a) Will be required to audit each year’s accounts and present a report upon them to the General Meeting.

b) May be required by the President to audit the Society’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Committee.

10.3. The financial year shall be according to the calendar year.


11.1. If the Society at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees subject to a declaration of trust.

11.2. The trustees of the Society shall:

a) Not be more than four and not less than two in number.

b) Be elected by a General Meeting of members.

c) Not effect any sale or mortgage of property without the prior approval of the General Meeting of members.

11.3. The office of the trustee shall be vacated:

a) If the trustee dies or becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind.

b) If he is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a trustee.

c) If he submits notice of resignation from his trusteeship.

11.4. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by posting it on the notice board in the Society’s premises at least two weeks before the General Meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such General Meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies.

11.5. The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change must be notified to the Registrar of Societies.


12.1. Visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of the Society but they shall not be admitted into the privileges of the Society. All visitors and guests shall abide by the Society’s rules and regulations.


13.1. Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the Society’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.

13.2. The funds of the Society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in court of law.

13.3. The Society shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.

13.4. The Society shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommend to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or service which adversely affect consumer interests.

13.5. The Society shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its fund and/or premises to be used for political purposes.

13.6. The Society shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Society or its office-bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.

13.7. The Society shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.


14. The amendment of constitution, bylaws, rules and regulations will be carried out by a sixty (60) percent vote by the total membership of the General Assembly. The Executive Board will place the motion of amendment of constitutions, bylaws, rules and regulations. Members can send in their vote by mail.

They shall not come into force without prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.


15. In the event of any question or matter pertaining to day-to-day administration which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the Committee shall have power to use their own discretion. The decision of the Committee shall be final unless it is reversed at a General Meeting of members.


16. This Society may accept gifts, legacies, donations and/or contributions in any amount, form and conditions as may be decided by the Executive Board.


17. In the event of any dispute arising amongst members, they shall attempt to resolve the matter at an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution. Should the members fail to resolve the matter, they may bring the matter to a court of law for settlement.


18.1. The Society shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than 3/5 of the total voting membership of the Society expressed either in person or by proxy, at a General Meeting convened for the purpose.

18.2. In the event of the Society being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Society shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General Meeting of members may determine or donated to an approved charity or charities.

18.3. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.